ChrisO is a musician and hair stylist at Honeycomb Salon in Noe Valley who has an impressive record collection. He regaled the Muni Diaries Live crowd at Elbo Room in April 2016 with a story of running into someone he knew from a past life on the bus, and you’ll have to watch the video to see what he found out.
“I was taking the 19-Polk bus for the first time. In 2003, the buses that were used for the 19 line were the most florescent light-flickering, brownish yellowy interior-having, murdery buses in the whole city. They just looked like you were gonna die on them. We all get on the bus and I notice there is this guy staring at me. I thought: Is this like a “Cruising me to have sex thing, or pretending to cruise me to have sex thing so you can kill me?”